Hi! This is amazing! You' ve found so many penguins! I'm wondering if you've heard of Tulsa Wiki. It's a new project that's trying to collect all sorts of Tulsa info in one place so that it will be available to anyone. http://www.tulsawiki.org/ Maybe you've seen the bookmarks at the library? Anyway, I sat down to work on the penguin page today and came across your site. Would you have any interest in contributing your information and pictures to the project? I would be happy to do the work if you'd give the permission! You can reach me at justrachelmarie@yahoo.com. Thanks!
Hi! This is amazing! You' ve found so many penguins! I'm wondering if you've heard of Tulsa Wiki. It's a new project that's trying to collect all sorts of Tulsa info in one place so that it will be available to anyone. http://www.tulsawiki.org/ Maybe you've seen the bookmarks at the library? Anyway, I sat down to work on the penguin page today and came across your site. Would you have any interest in contributing your information and pictures to the project? I would be happy to do the work if you'd give the permission! You can reach me at justrachelmarie@yahoo.com. Thanks!